Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ten Ways to Work more Efficiently on Your iPhone

My laptop is getting much less use now that I trust more my iPhone when I'm on the road computing. And I'm always on my iPhone now that I open with these helpful techniques to capture and edit text, and manage applications and files and done.

Speed ​​up typing with these handy keyboard tricks
Tablets are not designed for heavy-duty data entry. That's why so many sales representatives an add-on keyboard buy for their iPads. (John Scott Lewinski Here you will find reviews of five keyboards on the iPhone CNET Crave website.)

Despite its compact size, drag a keyboard - or any other iPhone hardware add-on - in your travel bag defeats one of the main reasons for owning a tablet on the street: a lighter load. I manage well enough with the iPhone is on the screen along with these handy links.

Skip the time: When you get to the end of a sentence, press the space bar twice to insert a period and space.

Apostrophe faster: Anyone whose name contains punctuation (like me) knows what a hassle it can simply enter your name. Instead of switching to the number of punctuation keyboard to a random point on the apostrophe key.

Have also quotes: Brushing the period / question mark button adds quotes.

Easy input of special characters-keyboard: Press and hold various other characters on the keyboard to characters like the French soft c (as in "Garçon"), the Spanish tilde n (as in "mañana"), and the umlaut i-Access (as in "naive").

Expand your horizons with punctuation: you will have a greater choice of punctuation, by the same technique to find the number of punctuation keyboard. For example, add an upside-down exclamation point or question mark by Pulling up (or hold) the respective keys.

Add ellipses by swiping to the period key (only in the number of punctuation layout). Specify different monetary symbols by pressing and holding the dollar sign, or painting on the zero button to add a degree symbol. Perhaps my favorite of these linkages, the ability of an em-dash by pulling up on the dash button is add.

Enable - or disable - Caps Lock: Tap either Shift key twice to type in capital letters. If you do not use online type are shouting or you just want to disable an inadvertent switch to uppercase letter mode, the function, select Settings, select Keyboard in the General category, and switching Enable Caps Lock OFF.

Other options on this screen, you can disable (or enable) auto-activation, auto-correction, spell check, and I'm linking the period described above. You can also choose from several dozen international keyboard layouts.

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